Make sure he can meet his personal care and medicinal needs. 确保他能得到个人护理和药物需求。
In a statement, the Personal Care Products Council says it has already given in-depth data to the government. 个人护理产品委员会在一份申明中表示,其已向政府提交了更深入的数据。
Nurses do not do any of the personal care! 护士不承担任何个人护理工作!
But it is likely to have a big impact on the advertising and marketing strategies of personal care and cosmetics companies that still largely depend on TV commercials that exaggerate the effect of their products, he said. Now they will have to be more cautious. 但他表示,这可能会对个人护理和化妆品公司的广告和营销战略产生巨大影响,这些公司仍基本上依赖电视广告夸大其产品效果,如今他们不得不更为谨慎。
Beauty and personal care sales overall in the United States have been sluggish of late. 美国美容和个人护理产品销售额近来总体表现低迷。
Twenty-six types of consumer products were tracked in beverage, packaged food, personal care and home care categories. 调查对饮料、包装食品、个人护理和家庭护理用品等几大类项下共26种消费品进行了跟踪分析。
Roofing Systems, Razors and Shavers, Cotton Buds, Personal Care and Health Care Products, Beauty and Healthcare Products, Skin Care, Nail Care, Hair, Tooth Paste and Tooth Brush. 采购产品屋面系统,剃刀和剃须刀,棉花花蕾,个人护理和保健产品,美容和保健产品,皮肤护理,指甲护理,头发,牙膏和牙刷。
I become loyal to the personal care product as the celebrity endorser. 我会因名人代言人而对该个人护理产品忠诚。
There's a lot of discussion and confusion about the safety and ingredients used in personal care products, including products like baby shampoos. 现在对于个人洗护用品的安全性和含有的成分,有很多的讨论和误解,包括像婴儿洗发水这类产品。
I think that the personal care product which has a celebrity endorser is more appealing. 我认为有名人代言人的个人护理产品较吸引。
I think that the behavior of celebrity endorser can affect the image of personal care product. 我认为名人代言人的行为影响该个人护理产品的形象。
I will choose the personal care product because of the feedback from the celebrity endorser. 名人代言人的使用后感对我选购该个人护理产品时更有帮助。
There is no difference between what's used in industry and what's used in personal care products. 用于工业用途的丙二醇和用于肌肤护理产品的丙二醇是相同的。
Celebrity endorser affects my perspective towards the personal care product. 名人代言人能影响我对该个人护理产品的看法。
Research progress of pharmaceutical and personal care products on ecological and human health 药品与个人护理用品的生态与健康影响研究进展
Popular use in cosmetic, perfume, personal care, glass bottles, and so on. 普遍用于化妆品,香水,个人护肤,与玻璃瓶搭配等等。
Cars, cigarettes, personal care products and others featured beautiful women and the hint of sex in order to attract attention and sell. 汽车、香烟、个人护理产品和其它以美女作为号召物的东西,都利用性暗示,以吸引注意力和促销。
Because of the celebrity endorser, I trust in the personal care product even I haven't tried this. 因为名人代言人,我会相信该个人护理产品,尽管我未曾尝试该产品。
That generation has money, and is willing to spend a high proportion of its income on personal care. 这一代人手头富裕,愿意将收入中的很大一部分用于个人护理。
Advances and prospects on pharmaceuticals and personal care products in aquatic environment 药品和个人护理用品在水环境中污染状况的研究与展望
The celebrity endorser can draw my attention to the personal care product. 名人代言人能吸引我去留意该个人护理产品。
Studies on the Development of New Methods for the Determination of Harmful Ingredients in Personal Care Products and Foodstuffs 日化品和食品中有害成分的新分析方法研究
The number of personal care aides is up by 390,000 since 2007. 自2007年以来个人护理助手的数量增加了39万。
I am comfortable in using the personal care product because of the celebrity endorser. 在使用个人护理产品时,我会因其名人代言人而更放心。
When choosing personal care product, I would prefer the one which has celebrity endorser. 在选购个人护理产品时,我会先考虑有名人代言人的产品。
The multifunctional milk glycerides for personal care products are researched in this paper. 本文对多功能乳甘油酯在个人护肤品中的应用进行了研究。
Industries surveyed include agrochemical, cosmetics and personal care products. 调查的工业包括农业化肥,化妆品和个人护理产品。
I am confidence in using the personal care product if there are celebrity endorsers. 若该个人护理产品以名人作代言人,在使用时我会更有信心。
But it also illustrates the shift from grocery and personal care brands to technology. 但它也印证了消费者忠诚度从百货及个人护理品牌向科技品牌的转变。
I think I know more about the personal care product through the celebrity endorser. 我认为以名人作代言人,更能令我认识该个人护理产品的特点。